Saturday, March 5, 2011

Suit search

I realize I haven't been writing frequently enough and I've still yet to tell you all about what I've been working on recently at Technoserve and the weekend travels I've had.  I promise, I will soon.  However, given that I'm back in the states for a week for bschool interviews, I thought it more fitting to write about life currently.

So why not another entertaining saga/rant from yours truly?  Enjoy.

I think feminists have waged a rather one-sided war that hasn't truly brought about equality just yet.  What am I speaking of exactly?  Suits.  There is no equal opportunity for women in buying suits.  I think this is due to a variety of factors:

1) Dresscode rules for women are much more vague; the female fashion is very much a black box.  This is why we women are always having to ask the other what we're wearing to each event; rules are very much based on relative social context.  In the workplace, male execs never seemed to set strict dress rules for their female counterparts who were breaking through the glass ceiling.  I mean, if feminists are burning bras, who would dare require a suit?  And what exactly is the female equivalent of a coat & tie?

2) Supply always rises to meet demand.  Because of less-than-clear dress codes for women, the forced demand for suits just isn't there.

3) Women (in general) enjoy shopping and men don't.  Nordstroms has just one floor for men, and one section for suits.  You can find womens clothes on all 3 floors and a small sampling of suits in 3 departments.  Men wouldn't dare shop around for suits; your best bet as a retailer is to make it as simple as possible for a quick-in, quick-out sale.  God forbid a women actually want the same!

Unfortunately, this causes serious issues for myself.  I had a suit in Dallas that I pulled out of storage, but given that I am a slightly thinner now, my friend remarked "It looks like you're wearing another person's clothes." Not exactly the impression you want to give Harvard or Berkeley in an interview.

So I went suit shopping the day before my first interview.  The experience was far less than enjoyable and suits have now been added to my list of shopping to avoid at all costs: bras, swimsuits and jeans.

I hate suits for a myriad of reasons really.  Besides the astronomical price (which stuns even more now that I have a Nicaragua point of reference), they simply weren't designed with women in mind.  Think about it: suits are incredibly attractive on men because they accentuate their boxy frame.  Yet the female body is anything but boxy. 

Additionally, mens suits are made to fit.  They come in a variety of sizes and are generally tailored.  Pants are fit for waist and length.  Do you want to know what my options are for suits?  S M L jackets (or #s if you're lucky) and 2-14 for pants.  Have you seen a womens body?  How is it men get 2 measurements for pants and I get one?  Pretty sure girls have more curves that deserve more measurements.  We're probably just so complicated that it wasn't cost effective.  So now women with body issues are trying to fit into one size fits all type styles.  Not good.

I was once measured for a bridesmaid dress and told I was a 4, 6 and 10 at different measurements of my body.  So what size should I try on?  It's a miracle I'm able to find clothes at all really. 

I tried The Limited, but nothing seemed to fit right and I thought I needed a little better quality.  Unfortunately, stepping up in quality means losing options.  Nordstroms had only 8 suits in the whole store, which included two types: 1) professional, boring suits designed for older women and 2) suits designed for young women that are trendy and therefore seasonal.   If I'm going to pay that much, why would I buy something that will look out of style next year?  Chances are I'll need it again next year.

Halogen® Textured BlazerFinally settled on a grey pant-suit that worked well enough.  My mom saw it and said "aww, it has a cute little ruffle."  So it does.  She said I'm a walking oxymoron and I couldn't agree more.  I love pink, bows, ruffles and I work at one of the most high powered corporate jobs out of undergrad and have a shot at the top business schools in the nation.  The feminists don't know what to do with me!

My interview felt more like a psychoanalysis than an interview and I left with my head spinning. Driven, somewhat lazy, sensitive, logical, timid in formal settings, bold among peers, structured, adventurous, etc.  Loves foosball, ultimate frisbee and ballet.  Knows a lot about aerospace & dense, telecommunications, o, and beans.  Go figure.   I realized I really don't make sense as one coherent person.  But maybe that's why I like myself so much.  

My friends in Nicaragua frequently remark "you're so weird" whenever I say or do something new to them. I don't understand how this keeps surprising people.  I think I just have the gift of appearing normal that confuses my audience on a regular basis.   At least I'm not boring.

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