Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dia international de mujer

So yesterday was the International Day of Women.  My only other experience with this holiday was Spanish class one year when my prof made all the guys in our class stop by his office beforehand and together they all walked in with roses for each of us.  Needless to say, I'm a fan.

Turns out, the day is even better when you're surrounded by latinos.  My taxi driver was the first to inform me that it was the dia international de mujers- thank you Jose.  So at least I had an idea of what was going on when everyone in the office greeted me with "Felicidades."  Apparently this one day out of the year, half of the country gets congratulated for being a woman.  The office even gave a rose to every lady.

The salutations continued with very numerous chain emails with cheesy latino ppt presentations set to cheesy music on the value of a woman, including a translation of John Lennon's "Woman" choreographed with bizarre photos.  My gringo friends and I all passed around the ones we'd received to get some extra laughs. 

My favorite of the day? God offered a gift of peeing standing up and Adam said "I want it, I want it.  Por fa!" So Adam received the gift and proceeded to pee all over the garden of Eden, on all the trees and plants.  Then Eve asked God "What is my gift?" God answered "Brains, Eve, brains."

At 4pm, it was really time to celebrate.  Apparently at TNS, you get chicken, spreadable cheese on crackers and chocolate cake just for being a woman.  And since women are so generous, we shared the love, though we made the men serve us.  One of my coworkers even made a little speech about how glad he is that women work there and how much they add in being sensitive, multi-tasking and staying organized.  In the states, I think some women would have punched him, but I thought the whole sentiment was very sweet.  He said women are his whole life: he's got a wife and two daughters.  Makes me think of my poor dad. :)

So I propose we adopt this holiday in the states.  Afterall, it's much better than Valentine's Day and puts no pressure on all the poor suckers who happened to be dating someone in February.

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