Not gonna lie, life isn't perfect. I'm constantly surprised by how broken the world is, by how easily people hurt other people, by how many things just seem down-right unfair. But the fact that it ticks me off just points to how lucky I am that I don't consider it normal. That I have so many blessings.
So let's walk through a day in the life to show you...
Wake up around 7:15 or 7:30 or later, depending on how many times I hit the snooze button and what time the taxi is coming. Roll out of my full sized bed, take a warm shower, throw on jeans or a casual skirt and top, dry my hair (hopefully it's a fresco day so I don't sweat too much), apply a minimal amount of make-up, grab a yogurt and my laptop and jump in the taxi. Then it's a beautiful 15-min scenic ride to work with the wind in my hair.
Work varies by the day. And so do my "extra" work activities: I often chat with some of you all, listen to music, watch a youtube video or two (or more, haha). I love having this connection to you all back at home.
The bean study is all wrapped up (with much success I might add), so I couldn't be more thrilled. Now I'm onto another "project" which is still developing in objectives and approach.
In the states, I would use my free time to read various int'l development books. Like "The End of Poverty" by Jeffery Sachs or "White Man's Burden" by William Easterly or "Freedom from Want" about BRAC or "Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid" by CK Prahalad. (Confession: I have not read every word of all these books, because they were rather dry or I got busy). It was frustrating cause I never had time to read. And I was just rather unaware of all the organizations and programs out there. While I'm still rather oblivious to a lot, I have to say that I feel like I'm getting a glimpse into the mysterious world of development, which is SO exciting.
Example? Today I read an international development book AT WORK. And it's a book that has yet to be published because my supervisor has connections. And my next "project" will attempt to put this book into practice by looking at very specific opportunities with suppliers across industries to meet demand by addressing constraints. How cool is that!?!?! If only I could make a million bucks AND read int'l dev books all day.
Most days I order in Nica food for $1.50. Today I splurged and ordered Subway, which is actually better here than in the States. And every so often I make it out of the office for lunch with coworkers.
After work I went to the dance studio for my second-ever "Ritmos Latinos" class. Other extracurricular activites include biblestudy, a couple guitar lessons from my neighbor, TV, writing on my blog (obvio), chatting with friends and family, dinner with friends, "Young diplomats" happy hours, pilates at home, walks with my vecina, reading books, reading out loud in Spanish for practice, dancing around my apartment, singing at the top of my lungs, etc. Its just so awesome to finish work and have time for myself.
Then it's lights out around 10:30 or 11pm. Speaking of... night everyone! Que suenes con los angeles.
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