Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Things I'm learning

To get you all caught up on my life here, I thought it might be best to tell you all of the many things I've been learning...
  • When an email to a Nicaragua government official bounces back, it's probably because you wrote ".gov" instead of ".gob" (english= government but spanish = gobierno).  Details matter.
  • Driving stick shift is not as easy as it looks.  Stalling out on top of a mound of dirt- about as hard as it looks actually.
  • Being in a culture where life moves slower can make you feel lazy, but also make you feel like you're on vacation every day.  It also means that most others are taking life slow, so you won't get your data until at least 3 weeks after you ask for it.  Which you shouldn't care too much about, because you're taking life slow.
  • Strumming a guitar is not easy and pressing your fingers onto strings is unnatural.  Apparently you get used to this, but I've only had one lesson so far.  Technically, I've learned three cords already, but don't you dare ask me what they're called or where to put my fingers on the strings.
  • Business school applications are unfortunately not comprised of just essays and a resume.  You have to input a whole bunch of meaningless answers that take time and only add to the misery of the application experience.  It's best to realize this extra frustration before its just 2 weeks before the submission deadline, but you'll probably be ok either way.
  • Using canola oil to grease a pan will result in burnt brownies, plus the fact that the gas ovens here have max-min settings, not temperatures.  Futhermore, a smart gringa would not attempt to use her own oven for the first time ever to make a dessert for a church Thanksgiving potluck.  However, the top of the brownies will still be good and go very well with ice cream.  And the mere fact that you burnt them means you just take soda to the church potluck and can enjoy a (nearly) whole pan of brownies on your own.
  • Thanksgiving potlucks with gringos in Nicaragua are more like regular potlucks that include turkey than they are like a Thanksgiving dinner.  Good luck finding a pumpkin here, and if you do, be willing to pay a pretty penny for it.
  • Don't do 45 minutes of pilates after nearly a month of not really working out.  You WILL be sore all over.
  • Don't get deathly ill the day after doing said exercise overkill.  Sore muscles don't feel any better when you have a fever, aches/pains and a very unhappy stomach.
  • When the bottle says "take with plenty of water" it will not work to drink water and then sleep for an hour.  You have to stay awake and keep drinking tons of water.  Thankfully second time, not third, is a charm.
  • It is important to have both Nica and gringo friends to take care of you when you're sick- one knows exactly what store will have 7-Up Light and the other has already been to see a doctor here and knows all about the miracle that is Cipro.  ;)
So clearly I am learning a LOT and despite a few minor setbacks over the past few days, I have to say I feel rather spoiled here in Managua.  And I'm looking forward to going back to work, eating more than plain carbs, finally eating those brownies & ice cream, enjoying thankgiving dinner with friends here and there are more guitar and driving lessons to come.  Given that I have so much to be thankful for, I think it's the perfect week to wish you all a very happy thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I should have read this a week ago. I can vouch for the brownies and ice cream.
